
Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover (VERY clean cover )

***For those asking for Effect settings, I have no idea. The guitarist is a sound engineer and a graduate from Berklee College of Music, so I'm pretty sure he had the tone mastered. All I know is ...
***For those asking for Effect settings, I have no idea. The guitarist is a sound engineer and a graduate from Berklee College of Music, so I'm pretty sure he had the tone mastered. All I know is that he was running a POS guitar through a Fender Cyber-Twin amp.***

My friend Theo Chou (previously of Losing Daylight) playing a cover of Eric Johnson's Cliffs of Dover. It may not be the quickest or the most entertaining performance, but from a clean standpoint, it kicks ass... especially considering its a whole band and not just a guy playing with an Eric Johnson CD. This was done back in 2002 in the basement of an old church using sound equipment that was just sitting around (hence the crappy drum set). There was no intention of putting it on youtube... they were just jamming and having fun and we got a little bit of it on video.
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Sunny370 (hace 1 hora) Mostrar Ocultar
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NIce Guitar
livewire1333 (hace 19 horas) Mostrar Ocultar
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well played!! Thanx for the vid!!
thepiper420 (hace 1 día) Mostrar Ocultar
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hahahaha you fucked up!lol
MasiFran (hace 2 días) Mostrar Ocultar
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good mens. el tema es mu dificil y son los primeros que veo que cordinan al tocar. algunos errores en la guitarra pero bue con mas practica se arregla.
Caeiro619 (hace 2 días) Mostrar Ocultar
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MY god you're good! and the drums and bass kick ass too. congrats cuz!
Skimmitar88 (hace 2 días) Mostrar Ocultar
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aaronrcheng is gonna be the next Lee ;]
kainthornn (hace 2 días) Mostrar Ocultar
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Well played, I don't even begin to play Eric Johnson music...
kainthornn (hace 2 días) Mostrar Ocultar
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Let's see YOU do better. You certainly sound like you know it all.
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well done all of u, mad cover lmfoa
lolmaof (hace 4 días) Mostrar Ocultar
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don't feed the trolls
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